Guru Road

Near the Black Rock Desert in northern Nevada is an art installation called Guru Road. The installation was created by DeWayne “Doobie” Williams from 1978 to 1992 during the last 15 years of his life. The entrance to the mile long dirt road is marked by a street sign that says “Guru Road”.

The road is filled with folk art installations created from found objects. There are several large pieces including a weather station, a tribute to Elvis, and the Desert Broadcast System.

The road has words of wisdom etched into local stone.

Doobie also used the stone to create tributes to his family, friends, and residents of the local cities of Gerlach and Empire.

You can leave your mark by leaving a message in the site’s visitor log or mailbox.

You can also leave a small object, message, or picture on a large wooden teepee which invites guests to “Leave your hang ups here”.

Final Tips: Guru Road is located 2 miles north of Gerlach, NV on Highway 34 on the left.

The road is passable with a two wheel drive car but the area is very remote.

The nearby city of Gerlach has a restuarant, a gas station, and restrooms. However, when we visited everything except the gas station and one restroom were closed.